Histoires de Parfums
1828 Jules Verne Man
Eau de Parfum


He was born in Nantes, at the beginning of that century of discoveries. The close ocean took him far away, inspiring in him extraordinary novels of adventure. Inspired by the father of literary science fiction, this eau de parfum, breathes its aromatic Hesperides-like scents, just as a marine breeze over a wild heath.

This fragrance is perfect for the modern day globetrotter and adventurous dreamer, bringing to mind a treasure chest crafted from precious wood and filled with spices from faraway lands, stowed on a boat sailing uncharted seas.


Histoires de Parfums je luksuzna francuska marka koju je 2000. godine osnovao perfumer Gerald Ghislain. Prvi primjerak zbirke imenovan je za rođendanu poznate osobe koja je nadahnula parfem. Dodatni mirisi kolekcije temeljili su se na cvijeću i biljkama, prema poznatim mjestima u Parizu kao i jedinstvenim aromama i sastojcima.
Histoires de Parfums mirisi su izrađeni u suradnji s perfumerima: Gerald Ghislain, Magali Senequier, Gérald Ghislain, Julien Rasquinet i Luca Maffei.