Vanille Fatale evocira alter-ego vanilije – bogat, duboko zavodljiv miris.
Vanille Fatale predstavlja eklipsu tamnih šuma, kava koja izaziva ovisnost apsolut i prženi ječam. Luksuzni rezinoid vanilije osvaja jezgru mirisa poput očaravajuće sile.
Šafran i korijander otvaraju miris, infiltrirajući se u osjetila hvatajućim tamjanom smirne i olibanuma. Duhanski miris prženog ječma okružuje mješavinu absoluta pržene kave, narcisa i frangipanija. Vanilija se stapa s bogatim mahagonijem i antilopom za zavodljiv završetak.
Gornje note su korijander i šafran; srednje note su frangipani, kava, ječam i narcis; bazne note su antilop, madagaskarska vanilija, mahagonij i duhan.
Drvenasto amber
Oriental, gourmand
How many times have you let yourself be taken by surprise and found yourself enticed by a fragrance wafting from a café terrace, captivated by scent of a secret garden — or perhaps beguiled by an unforgettable perfume worn by a stranger in a crowd? And how many times have you secretly wished to be that anonymous stranger who captivates merely by virtue of a perfume?
Like perfectly formed exotic dancers, frangipani flowers engage in an elaborate, spellbinding choreography. As the enchantment takes hold, a plume of traditional chai tea perfects the charm. Ginger and cardamom set ablaze an irresistible cloud of milky, gourmand notes.
A spell in the guise of a perfume that murmurs Remember Me.
Cardamom, frangipiani tree, vanilla
With its large elegant cream coloured petals, frangipani is perhaps the queen of all tropical flowers. The heart of the structure is a fabulous heady fusion of frangipani, jasmine and tuberose absolutes, elevated with plum, water lilies and green orchid oil. The scent has great foundations and architecture, the notes are soft, captivating and unforgettable.